I was going to write this one last night in our tent in the middle of nowhere but i was too tired and cold! So yesterday morning we headed out to the Rat Temple (about an hour out of Bikaner), stopping on the way to buy 2 bottles of whisky (Sud got some too) cost 220rup (less than $5) per bottle and they were big bottles, crazy price! Once we got there Sud showed us in and helped us make our alcoholic offering to the temple - where they basically tip half your bottle into a funnel which then collects the whisky for the priests/monks! dodgy!! There are plenty of rats running around but Bec was surprised there wasn’t more, we thankfully didn’t step on any as we made our way around. After 15 or so minutes of being there Sud rushed to get us as he had spotted the very rare and very lucky (if you see it) white rat! we followed him and saw it chowing down on some food - Sud told us to each make a wish and it will now come true. Snapped some quick pictures as there is a big rush to see the white rat! Bec was worried her flash would scare it off and the temple would riot! but the rat stayed so we were safe. We looked around the temple for a while longer and then headed home to get ready for our camel safari.
We left on our safari at about 3, first a 30 min car ride and then a 2 hour camel ride out to nowhere! the camel was surprisingly comfortable, well for the 2 hours anyway, don’t know about spending the whole day on one. The desert was so quiet and peaceful, a welcome change to the hustle and bustle of the streets. We watched the sunset and chatted with our camel men! We had a lovely dinner under the many many stars, it was really beautiful. We could even see the milky way after being shown where it was! We went to bed after stargazing to a very cold night.
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