Another early rise at about 630, we decided to head out and try walk around and get used to the feel of the place a little, we lasted about 3 minutes before being targeted by the local touts who try be your friend to take you to the local "government information centre" where you get a free map and information on how bad your current plans are and how they can cut the cost of your holiday by 10000 rupees if you book with them - it takes about 10 no's before they get the idea your not going to buy anything from them, at which point you are no longer their friend! we were harassed by 2-3 of these scams (some of which in all honesty were not nasty at all and quite friendly/informative) until we asked to be taken to red fort in a rickshaw which was about 30 rupees but he told us there was no point as it only opened at 11am he then offered to take us elsewhere but we were not interested and then informed us to dress more appropriately otherwise we will not be left alone by other touts (we were both in jeans/t-shirts) so we headed back to our room to have a bit of a sleep (seeing as everything opens at 11) Headed back out at about 1115 (in more appropriate attire), and again just wanted to walk around aimlessly just to get a feel for the place, we faired better this time partly due to our clothing maybe and partly due to us being more blatant with our lack of interest in buying any taxis/guides etc.
Bec got her much anticipated henna artwork done (admittedly it was amazing to see it being drawn and it looks pretty cool!) she was also given free bangles and conned into buying anklets for 100 rupees. The lady selling the anklets assured Bec and I, that she or we were now married? (couldn’t quite understand her). After all this we headed home again to have a few beers and relax - we ordered the beers at front reception and were told he would bring them up to us in about 10 min, he came up to the rooftop where we were sitting about 20 min later and pulled 2 cans of beer out of his pants! and in a paranoid state poured them into metal cups.
We drank them and he again came back with a hidden can and poured them into our cups. We later found out they don’t have a license to serve alcohol and so had to hide it every time they did, we earned their trust and he ended up leaving us 4 cans for dinner.
First impressions of India (well Delhi) - very very dirty, crazy traffic, people trying to sell you stuff are VERY pushy but people in general and people you do actually end up buying stuff off are very friendly and genuine, they really want to talk to you, its a shame we cant quite understand what they are saying some of the time.
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