Had a slight sleep in today as we got up around 8, went looking for breakfast as yesterday we both felt quite sick after taking our malaria tablets (you are supposed to take them with food) so we had mc donalds as everywhere around our hotel looked pretty dodgy. After breaky we went back to our room to pack, while Bec sorted her bag I went down to the streets to take a few photos. Ended up wondering into (after leaving my shoes at the door) a Hindu temple, it was fairly basic and not very big but very calm and serene with the low humm of chanting and the smell of incense. After that I had to head back to pack my own bag so we didn’t miss our flight...
Fast forward 8-9 hours, we arrive in Delhi after a very smooth flight, -first impression was the fog (smog) looming constantly- got picked up by our very mute driver (not sure he spoke much English) the next hour or two was to be very "exciting" we got in his car - he got out to put water in the radiator - we tried to put our seatbelts on but there was no where to plug them in! next thing we know we are flying down the freeway (at about 70 max as that’s pretty much the cars top speed) after the freeway and still not a single word from our driver we ended up on busier city streets, which was simply crazy! there are no lane markings in Delhi it is simply a free for all, the only rule seems to be if you are smaller move the hell over or else! (this includes cars coming at you on the wrong side of the road head on) after about an hour and a half of dodgem cars we arrived at our hotel. Honestly the place is pretty much a dump (by our standards) but considering the surroundings and the conditions the locals live in, it isn’t too bad.
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