Well a long day of traveling today. We left about 9:30 from Udaipur and it is now 5:45pm and we have just arrived at our hotel in Pushkar and sitting on the roof having a drink. We called in to a shop we had bought a few things from in the last couple of days for a few last minute gifts and to say goodbye! He was very nice and gave Rudi and I both a little address book as a gift for coming to his shop! We hit the road and only about 25km out of Udaipur we stopped at a Hindu temple that was over 1000 years old, Sas Bahu Temples. It was no longer a working temple but you could wander around the beautifully carved temple. Was very nice except for the soundtrack of kids about 7 years old chasing you around from the other side of the fence asking for 10 rupees and then fake crying when you wouldn’t give it to them! I already got sucked into one young boy at the entry gate who asked for 10 rupees and thought it was the entrance fee so gave it to him! Cheeky bugger but 10 rupees is nothing so was no big deal! Rudi cracked the shit’s a group of French tourists who kept getting in his photo…anyone would think India was all about him! From there we headed back on the road and next stop was lunch at another tourist restaurant in the middle of nowhere, where prices are at least double the standard price! We were starving as we were a little hung over from a few drinks last night! It wasn’t too expensive after all! Back in the car I made a quick call home to nanas Monday night roast gathering, where I couldn’t really hear what anyone was saying but was nice to say hi! The drive seemed very long today and I’m sure Sud must have been exhausted because it is such hard driving in India. We stopped at another temple, Soni Temple, Ajmer, this one a Jain Temple just 15km short of Pushkar. It was absolutely amazing. The temple was like nothing we have ever seen. A family built like a massive two storey model that filled a massive room all out of gold that was supposed to represent ‘heaven’. It was absolutely beautiful and as one Canadian guy explained it, a kids dream play set! It looks amazing but it is all behind glass, dirty glass at that and lots of reflection so we couldn’t really get any good photos of it. After a walk around there we headed back in the car for the short but busy last leg to Pushkar. Sud had told us that it is strictly vegetarian here, no eggs as well as meat and no alcohol! We smuggled our vodka and whisky in with his help! He also said to be very careful as we will be annoyed to buy flowers from people in the street that you throw into the lake as an offering. He said it is ok but be careful as they will ask you for a lot of money and they will continually follow you! I might stay in the hotel! Hehe! Just kidding! Anyway the view from our roof top restaurant is amazing. Fairly quiet for India, just bells chiming and some chanting from a temple in the distance and kids laughing and chatting on the rooftops flying kites! Its really beautiful. The sun has just set and it is starting to get a little cold. Think we will get an early night tonight and brave the streets of Pushkar tomorrow!
* The reason you have to take off your shoes at the temple isn’t a respect or religious thing it is just so some random guy can stand at the gate and ask you for money when you try to leave for looking after your shoes!
* Spitting is a sport in India! Spectators beware! Walking the streets of India is very dangerous as men are constantly spitting without looking who or what is in the line of fire!
* Do not walk the streets of India after a few vodka and red bulls! It becomes too fun and feels like a real life pin ball game dodging all the flashing lights, motorbikes, cars and charging bulls! (ok well maybe no charging bulls, they are very slow and placid!)
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