Well Rudi has put me in charge of writing the blog now! His job photo of the day! Not a good day for me to start and I have hardly left the hotel room! Firstly thought I was a little seedy from a few beers with dinner last night but as the day progressed it appeared a little more than just a hangover! Ventured to the rooftop for a sleep in the sun but didn’t last long as the heat and the smell of food cooking was not a good combination! Left Rudi to eat on his own! That’s about my day! Spent the rest in bed and the bathroom! Was supposed to go with our driver all afternoon to do some sightseeing but had to cancel him! Rudi embarrassingly ordered me a bowl of French fries (home made) and apple juice which has stayed down so far! Rudi is out for the third time today alone! Hope he returns safe! I might leave it there for today and Rudi can fill you in on his little adventures without me! Hopefully tomorrow Ill have some amazing things to write about!
Whilst Bec awoke not too well, I awoke fit as a fiddle! I don’t really have a lot to write about as I mostly walked around town taking photos, so many kids and even parents run up to you to ask if you could take their photo and then eagerly await the jpg on the back of the camera and are always very excited with the results! They think it’s a privilege for you to take their photo! Whilst im more then happy to. Gave out a few stickers to the kids who think they are great although they don’t know what they are, so you have to give a demo! One thing I did notice as I walked around alone is how different the locals are to males and females, without Bec with me I was pretty much ignored by the shops etc. whilst with Bec they often try get us to come in and buy something (although so far Jaislamer has probably been the best in regards to that) I didn’t venture into the fort as I thought I would wait for Bec so we could check it out together. Hopefully tomorrow she feels better and I will run her off her feet :)
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